
  • DfR Guidelines July 2024

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online Tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made with the publication of new Design for Recycling Guidelines for HDPE and PP rigid packaging, PE and PP flexibles, PET bottles/thermoforms and PS containers, on July 15.
    Changes to the Guidelines include, among others:

    • New design criteria for laminating adhesives in combination with barrier materials for the PE and PP flexible streams
    • New design criteria for the material composition (plastomers) for the PE flexible stream
    • New design criteria for the closures for PET bottles
    • New design criteria for the binders in the inks for all streams
    • New design criteria for the removability of the adhesives for the HDPE, PP rigid and PS streams
    • New design criteria for the amount of printing inks (direct printing) for the HDPE, PP rigid and PS streams

    These updates are based on new laboratory findings. More information can be found following the links present in the DfR Guidelines and in the Technical Reviews.

  • DfR Guidelines January 2024

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online Tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made with the publication of new Design for Recycling Guidelines for HDPE and PP rigid packaging, PE and PP flexibles, and PET packaging, on January 19.
    Changes to the Guidelines include, among others:

    • New design criteria for inks (NC-based / PU-based) for the PE flexible stream
    • New design criteria for barrier technologies (AlOx with PVOH primer) for the PE flexible stream
    • New design criteria for laminating adhesives (Aliphatic PU) for the PP rigid & PP flexible streams
    • New design criteria for the material composition (TPO) for the HDPE and PP rigid streams 
    • New recommendations on the MFI of PE closures used on HDPE containers
    • New design criteria for the liners, seals and valves (swimming silicone) for the PET stream

    These updates are based on new laboratory findings. More information can be found following the links present in the DfR Guidelines and in the Technical Reviews.

  • DfR Guidelines July 2023

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online-Tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made with the publication of new Design for Recycling Guidelines for HDPE and PP rigid packaging, PE and PP flexibles, PS containers, HDPE and PP crates and pallets, on July 5.
    Changes to the Guidelines include, among others:

    • New design criteria for laminating adhesives and metallization in HDPE and PP streams;
    • New barrier technologies for the HDPE stream;
    • EVOH threshold in PS packaging;
    • Adhesive for labels in HDPE rigid packaging;
    • Ethylene-acrylate and ethylene-acetate copolymers in PE films.

    These updates are based on new laboratory findings. More information can be found following the links present in the DfR Guidelines, in the Technical Reviews and on this press release.

  • Mapping update June 2023

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online Tool!
    We would like to inform you that since your last connection, the Mapping of the Online Tool has been updated, with data collected from the recognized Certification Bodies and RecyClass supporters.

    The changes in the Mapping affected some European countries, among which: Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Poland, France, Latvia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Slovenia; furthermore, more notes were added to give additional information on the yellow and red colours.

    Please contact us for more information. Any information that could improve this mapping is appreciated.

  • DfR Guidelines January 2023

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online-Tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made with the publication of new Design for Recycling Guidelines for PP and HDPE rigid packaging, PE and PP flexibles, EPS white goods and PS containers on January 24.
    Changes to the Guidelines include, among others:

    • PP in HDPE (and viceversa) threshold;
    • PO foamed elements in PE and PP rigids;
    • Lids on PS pots;
    • Laminating adhesives for PE flexibles.

    Furthermore, RecyClass released new Guidelines for white and natural PS containers. Additionally, a distinction is now made for “natural and white” HDPE and PP containers as well. The same design recommendations apply to natural and white plastic packaging, to preserve their high-value. However, natural and white packaging should be sorted into two distinct streams and recycled separately.
    These updates are based on new laboratory findings. More information can be found following the links present in the Guidelines, in the list of Recyclability Approvals and on this press release.



  • Recyclability Methodology revision

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass Online Tool!
    We would like to inform you that since your last connection an update has been made, with the change of the following question in the Suitability section:
    Will or is your packed good considered as a Plant Protection Product or Biocidal Product as defined in the Plant Protection Products Directive (No 1107/2009) and Biocidal Product Regulation (No 528/2012)?

    The question has been updated with the following:
    Is the product contained in your packaging accepted in the plastic collection?

    The question has been changed in order to increase the awareness on the local restrictions in the plastic collection.

  • Guidelines September 2022

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass online-tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made, with the publication of new Design for Recycling Guidelines for PP and HDPE rigid packaging. The changes are mainly related to the attachments (liners, seals and valves) and barrier sections. The following changes have been implemented in the tool:

    • PP and HDPE Natural and Coloured containers: Liners, seals and valves section updated with new information regarding TPO and TPS.
    • HDPE Natural and Coloured containers: Barrier section updated regarding Plasma Fluorination.

    These updates are based on new lab findings. More information about the updates can be found following the links present in the Guidelines, on the approvals section and on this press release.

  • Guidelines April 2022

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass online-tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made, with the publication of a new Design for Recycling Guidelines for PP rigid packaging. The changes are mainly related to the decorative section (labels, sleeves, and direct printing) and are in line with the previous update of the Design for Recycling Guidelines for HDPE rigid packaging. 

    These updates are based on new lab findings. More information on In-Mould-Labels can be found on the following press release: PP Rigid Packaging with Printed In-Mould Labels tested by RecyClass

  • Guidelines December 2021

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass online-tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made, with the publication of a new Design for Recycling Guidelines for HDPE and PS rigid packaging. The changes are mainly related to the decorative section (labels, sleeves, and direct printing). 

    These updates are based on new lab findings. More information can be found on the following press release: Towards recyclable HDPE packaging with self-adhesive technology.

  • Tool Methodology revision

    Dear user,

    We are pleased to inform you that the RecyClass Online Tool has been updated to facilitate your experience and to give you access to additional features and information.

    Sections 3 – Type of packaging, 4 – Design for Recycling, and 5 – Results have been revamped, to enable the most accurate evaluation of your packaging recyclability. That includes:

    • Interactive selection of your type of packaging allowing the system to attribute the corresponding Design for Recycling Guideline.
    • New section on the Sorting behaviour of your packaging. Please note that this section is only informative and will not impact the self-assessment results.
    • Mass balance calculation replaces the former part 1 – General Questions.
    • Multi-choice selection for the questions on Design for Recycling.
    • Mapping of the European countries with information on their collection systems, as well as the availability of sorting and recycling infrastructures.

    Please note that the updates do not affect the methodology behind the Tool and therefore, the results you obtained with previous analyses remain unchanged. The re-organisation of the questions will facilitate the use of the Tool and improve the understanding of its different sections.  

    RecyClass Members will enjoy an additional feature through which they will be able to self-assess both the recyclability and the recyclability rate of their packaging with the Tool. 

    Moreover, the changes allow for a better alignment with the Recyclability Certification Scheme. Please note that the analysis result of the Tool is not a certificate. Any company interested to get certified is invited to contact one of the recognized Certification Bodies listed on the RecyClass website or to contact RecyClass Team for additional information.

    The updated tool includes the new recyclability class logos that were developed by the RecyClass Claims Task Force in line with the Recyclability & Recycled Content Use of Claims Guidance.

    Finally, to increase transparency and traceability of the tool updates, any user can access the changelog available on the versions page. The version of the tool is reported as well on the PDF report generated after each analysis is completed, allowing you to keep track of the changes.

  • Guidelines June 2021

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass online-tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made, with the publication of a new Design for Recycling Guidelines for PE flexible packaging and PP rigid packaging. The following changes have been implemented in the tool:

    • Packaging composition: a new limitation on the PP content incorporated in PE flexible structures has been added. 
    • Barrier materials: PA6/6.6 option has been implemented as limited compatible for PE flexibles, if used under specific conditions. Finally, EVOH compatilized with specific tie layers is now compatible with PP rigid packaging. 


    These updates are based on new lab findings. More information can be found on the corresponding press releases: Recyclability of flexible PE with PP & PA: Novel findings and RecyClass tests functional barriers in PP containers.

  • Guidelines February 2021

    Dear user,

    Welcome back to the RecyClass online-tool! We would like to inform you that since your last connection several updates have been made, with the publication of a new set of Design for Recycling Guidelines. The following changes have been implemented in the tool:

    • For all types of packaging: a new recommendation related to the packaging size has been added in the area 4 - Design for Recycling. Because of sortability issues, the packaging size is critical to ensure its recyclability.
    • HDPE containers: TPE and silicon materials are now listed as possible answers for the liners, seals, and valves. Additional details regarding additives have been included. Finally, the recommendation for EVOH and PE-g-MAH tie layers has been extended.
    • PP containers: TPE and silicon materials are now listed as possible answers for the liners, seals, and valve, and additional details regarding additives have been included. Please note that EVOH as barrier component is currently under investigation and new recommendations will shortly be released.
    • PE and PP flexibles: any component (labels, sleeves, others) made of PET, PETG, PS or PLA should be avoided and is considered not compatible with the flexible recycling streams.
    • PET bottles: EPBP released new findings regarding polyamide, leading to the update of the answers related to barrier additives in the area 4 - Design for Recycling.

    Finally, please note that the guideline "PO Pots, Tubs, Blisters & Trays" is under revision and changes are expected soon. In case of HDPE or PP packaging, please respectively refer to the guideline "HDPE containers and tubes" or to the guideline "PP containers and tubes".

  • Guidelines June 2020